As your due date approaches, you will undoubtedly be excited to welcome your bundle of joy. However, integrating your newborn into the family and familiarising yourself with the caretaking process can be overwhelming, especially for new parents. As such, it is unsurprising that many new mothers in Singapore turn to confinement services for help in taking care of their newborns during the postpartum period.
These confinement nannies offer a broad array of services, from feeding and bathing your baby to performing light housekeeping. However, effective nanny-parent communication is crucial to creating a harmonious caregiving experience, ensuring your newborn receives the best possible care. Let us share four essential aspects to communicate with your confinement nanny upon their arrival.
Learn More: 3 Ways to Select a Confinement Nanny That Fits Your Budget and Needs
1. Your newborn’s feeding and sleeping schedule

A consistent feeding and sleeping schedule is a crucial aspect of newborn care. As your child grows and develops, they need to eat frequently, generally every two to three hours, and get plenty of sleep. Establishing a routine can help your baby adjust to a regular schedule, making it easier to predict when they must eat and sleep.
Speak with your confinement nanny and discuss your preferred feeding and sleeping schedule for your newborn. Let them know the specific timings you want your baby to eat, how much they should consume, and how often they need to sleep. Additionally, inform your nanny if your newborn has any feeding preferences, such as formula or breast milk.
As your baby grows, you will have to adjust their feeding and sleeping schedule accordingly. For example, they may need to feed more often when they go through their growth spurts, and they may sleep less during the day and slumber longer at night. So, maintain constant communication with your confinement nanny to ensure your baby’s needs are met.
2. Your diapering and bathing preferences

Maintaining good hygiene is essential to prevent your newborn from falling ill, and that starts with correct diapering and bathing techniques. So, let your confinement nanny know how often you want your baby to be bathed. Ensure the nanny knows how to clean your baby’s bottom and change their diapers correctly.
Most importantly, make known any skin sensitivities or allergies your newborn may have and what products or ingredients they should avoid. Sharing your concerns with your confinement nanny ensures they can take appropriate precautions when caring for your baby.
3. Health and safety of your newborn

Of course, your newborn’s health and safety are your primary concern. Therefore, adequate health and safety measures should be a priority during discussions with your postpartum caregiver. Communicate with your confinement nanny about your baby’s health needs, such as any upcoming doctor’s appointments or vaccinations, as well as any medical allergies or conditions your baby may have.
Other safety measures to discuss include ensuring the confinement nanny knows how to secure your baby safely in their baby chair and what to do during emergencies. Meanwhile, please raise any additional safety concerns you may have early so that your nanny can take the necessary precautions when caring for your newborn.
4. Household rules and expectations

Your confinement nanny is here to help care for your newborn. As such, they will be spending plenty of time in your home. Therefore, it is essential for you to communicate your household rules and expectations with them.
For instance, you may want your nanny to handle specific household tasks, like cleaning the floor, or prepare your confinement meals in a distinct way. These matters can be arranged, so remember to convey your wishes clearly to prevent misunderstandings. Doing so can ensure a smooth postpartum experience for you and your family.
At the end of the day, your confinement nanny is here to support you and your newborn as you adjust to parenthood. By maintaining open and honest communications with your confinement nanny, you can ensure that both of you forge a robust partnership that benefits your baby and family.
Are you seeking a stay-in nanny to care for your newborn and attend to your confinement needs? In that case, look no further than Super Nanny Services! Your well-being and your baby’s are our top priority. Rest assured that our staff are well-trained to provide the highest standard of service, allowing you to sit back and enjoy a rewarding postpartum experience. Contact us today to learn more about our services.